Georgina’s Transformation: From Self-Destruction to Self-Love & Success

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Mental ill health plagued Georgina all through her twenties, but it wasn’t until her mid-thirties that she decided it was time to press the stop button on her self-destructive behaviours and turn her life around for the better.

Georgina’s Story

My name is Georgina Lynch, I live in Devon and I am a Transformational Success Coach & Counsellor and Yoga Teacher.

From the age of 20-32 years old I went from one life struggle to the next, this resulted in experiencing 5 severe depressive episodes with psychosis, hospitalisations and copious amounts of medication.

Mental Illness

After a diagnosis of Bi-Polar Disorder in 2006, followed by a further year of self-destructive and sabotaging behaviours, I decided it was time to stop hitting the same old brick wall of self-destruction and end the pattern of illness which not only caused huge levels of worry for my family and it left me believing I was unable to look after my daughter, who went to live with her father at age 4.

After my final episode of psychosis in 2007 I chose to start living my life in a new way. I worked with my psychiatrist to come off all medication and began to take simple self care steps to look after myself and maintain balance and positivity. 

Choosing a New Path


It’s from my personal experiences that I chose to help, guide and mentor women struggling with overwhelm, low self worth, and a lack of self love.

Knowing the impact these internal struggles cause, I wanted to prevent other women experiencing the level of mental distress I did. It was this passion to help others that led me to train as a Counsellor, Life Coach, Yoga Teacher & Mind Detox Practitioner.

Integrating these skills and drawing upon my personal experiences help me guide others to live beyond the negative patterns and beliefs that cause such deep internal struggle.  

As a Success Coach & Counsellor I help women to realise their truth and take back their power, enabling them to live a life from a place of self love, self worth, self trust and self awareness.

Self-love & Equality

Self-love is the most important thing to me. Without this I would still be hiding behind a mental health label, or possibly be dead. I hated who I was and it wasn’t until I began to love and accept myself was I able to take back my control and change my reality.

I believe self-love needs to be taught in schools from a very young age – instead of labeling emotions as ‘Mental Health’ simply make them feel good about who they are and encourage them to talk about how they feel without then being told their is something wrong with them.

Equality is also very important to me. I see too many inequalities in our society from health to race. This causes a disparity and creates a lack of confidence and a lack of self belief, which impacts generations and creates belief patterns which can be a tough to break!

Wanting To End It All

My lowest point was taking a huge overdose at the age of 23. I no longer wanted to live. I believed I had no value and I felt total despair. I couldn’t see another way. Fortunately, it didn’t work, even though I nearly lost my life.

I have also had low points in my business, which have made me feel equally as despairing, lost and alone because it’s triggered the same level of self doubt.

Creating a Vision

My business has steadily grown over the past few years, but I’ve always had a bigger vision, bigger dreams. I am starting to realise these.

If things hadn’t have worked I would’ve stayed working as a local counsellor and teaching weekly yoga classes – I can’t imagine working for anyone else now! But working in the NHS was always a job I loved too.

I have gone from a working as a counsellor to gathering all of my insights and experience and creating the most life changing 1:1 and group programme I could possibly imagine. I have big plans to reach women all over the world with my story and the powerful ways in which I’ve managed to overcome severe mental illness, self doubt and self loathing. I am mid way through a book proposal and plan to do live speaking events (TED Talk). 


The most amazing moment in my life was becoming a mum to both my children. It’s the biggest and most important time in my life and although I haven’t always been very good at being a mum, I couldn’t love my daughter and son more.

Practicing Self-care

Every morning I wake at 6am and meditate for as long as I can. I then make sure I get time outdoors walking my dog and take some kind of exercise each day – yoga, run, swim, circuits, gym. I eat well, make home cooked meals and drink plenty of water.

I prioritise good sleep and limit my time in front of a screen (this has been a tough one!). I also make sure I am part of an online sisterhood of powerful women who offer support and guidance.

Self awareness is crucial, as is maintaining balance in my life through exercise, fun and flow – this enables me to maintain my sense of inner peace and calm and means I can face any adversity from a place of ease.

Tips for Maintaining Good Health   

  • BREATH – Our breath is our life force and the most powerful tool you possess.
  • BALANCE – Allow yourself time to step away from the computer and rest your mind.
  • FUN – Whatever lights you up and makes you feel happy, do more of that.

Business Wisdom for Other Entrepreneurs

  • Believe In Yourself – If you don’t believe in yourself you’re never going to deal with the challenges of running a business which will leave you believing you can’t do it and give up. You can do it!
  • Trust Yourself – trust in your abilities. Without self trust you’ll find yourself vulnerable to overwhelm.
  • Self Care – Make sure you look after yourself: time out, sleep, eat well and exercise. If you don’t, you’ll burn out!

Connect with Georgina

Georgina is a transformational success coach and counsellor helping heart-led females in business to thrive by overcoming self doubt and creating success, flow and freedom.


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