Choosing Holistic Therapy To Recover from Depression – Zinaida’s Story

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Everything was going smoothly for Zinaida until she came to the realisation that she was struggling with depression after the birth of her twins. She sought healing and discovered Reiki as a way to restore her mind and body balance.

Read Zinaida’s story of healing and discovering her passion for holistic health and well-being.

Healing Myself First

Life is a book with many ups and downs, many breathtaking chapters where a fascinating story unfolds to the universe.

I’m on my 3rd chapter at the moment. 


Chapter 1 would be called ‘A Russian Fairytale: it’s where it all began. I was a happy child and had a childhood dream of becoming a teacher. I did indeed become a very successful university tutor, school teacher and owner of my very own small language centre….

Until one day my path started to change direction and chapter 2 was unfolding.

Chapter 2: 1001 Arabic nights and the two angels join the path.

In 2011 I left my university and school job and closed down the language centre to leave Russia for the UAE to join my partner who got a contract there. Little did we know that initial 3.5 months would end up in almost 7 years living in the beautiful country, followed by marriage and twins joining our family.

I had a trouble free, beautiful twin pregnancy until the 30th week when one of the twins decided that it had been enough staying inside and decided to make an appearance. After 5 weeks in intensive care and the next tough 7 months of motherhood, I realised I was in a state of depression and frustration, not knowing where I was ‘going to’ and most importantly how I could help my soul, mind and body. 

It was then when I found a Reiki practitioner who helped me a lot and made me look at the situation from a slightly different angle. I realised that alternative therapies have a huge role to play and started the ball rolling: over the course of 2 years I became a Reiki Teacher Master myself.

In 2015 when visiting my family in Russia I met my ‘to be’ teacher at the first Russian School of Relaxology (now Moscow Institute of Relaxology) and over the next three years I got qualified in neuro-relaxation (deep healing relaxation), relaxing yoga massage (lazy yoga / Thai bodywork), relaxation with oil and deep face relaxation with jade rollers and brushes.

Then 2017 another move! With the twins due to start nursery we relocated to my husband’s home country – Bonnie Scotland.

Chapter 3: Bonnie Scotland: a period of ‘obstacles’, Costa del Silversands (crystal waters of the North Sea) and lights at the end of the tunnel.

First year in Scotland life wasn’t all honey for me but I used this time to qualify in some other Holistic Therapies. In September 2019 I got insured and started working as a Holistic Therapist offering bespoke deep relaxation sessions, along with other holistic treatments.

Listening to Your Body

Mental health, stress, anxiety, reduced life-span, heart diseases, office worker syndrome and many more related topics seem to be making the front pages every day. We seem to be living more in our heads worrying about everything and everybody. Instead, we should reconnect with our body as it always speaks to us. 

A long time ago when people were illiterate and couldn’t express themselves through words, they could LISTEN with their BODY. Their TOUCH was HEALING and CALMING. Our body is our best friend. 

I’m in this business offering holistic treatments, reiki and deep relaxation sessions as I wholeheartedly believe that self care has a bigger and more important role than people might think it has. There are no aches and pains in the relaxed and balanced body. People living a holistic lifestyle are less likely to struggle with mental illness as they will be able to HEAR their body WHISPER rather than SHOUT for help.

That’s why I’d like to spread the word about deep relaxation sessions and other treatments to as many people as possible. Not only is it a great way to de-stress and release everything which no longer serves us but is also a great way to prevent lots of stress-related diseases.  

The most important thing for me as a therapist is to work from a place of an open heart, be non judgemental, to hold the space for the client and be there for the client – unconditionally present. Self care is not a luxury it’s a necessity: better to prevent than to treat.

Although I’m only just starting out on my business journey, I’ve already met some amazing and inspirational people and holistic therapists who are a great help and great support for me. My commitment at the moment is to let more people know of my sessions and the fact that relaxation is healing, as our body has a great ability to heal itself.

No Regrets

I wouldn’t have changed a day in my life. Slow and steady wins the race, nothing happens overnight. I’ve honestly realised that I AM living my childhood dream, as I AM still a teacher  – Reiki teacher and Relaxologist allowing people to learn to listen to and hear their bodies – and it’s a joy.

Pure joy for me is to hear my clients feed-back on the sessions, to know that I can help, I can be of service to people on their journey within. 

Spreading Calmness


I’m very grateful and thankful to be able to offer my services, I truly appreciate every single client who comes to me. My grand ambition and aim is to bring the practice to as many families as possible as it’s also a great way to bond and spend time together. Imagine a tired, anxious child comes home from school / university, a husband or wife comes home from a busy and stressful day and here you are with some simple relaxation techniques to release their emotional tension and to distress them… great would that be?  

Coping With the Ups & Downs of Life

Any Holistic Therapist needs to release tension and have that precious me-time as well. That’s when friends, meditation, a good book, mindful walks or even ‘do-nothing-days’ etc. step in. Swapping sessions with other therapists is a great idea I think. Not only is it a great opportunity to meet new people, to get to know what other people do but it’s a great way to support each other, rather than compete. Collaboration over competition.

Being a Calmpreneur

Staying true to myself, being myself and living my own life is how I see myself as a Calmpreneur. Also 24 hours pause is the advice I try to follow (which I discovered in a book once) – in any disputable situation take a 24 hours pause and then resume the conversation – the outcome is always great.

‘Stress-Less’ Advice

Release, ‘shift gears smoothly’, be gentle to yourself and look at the situation from a slightly different point of view. We all go through stressful and unfavourable situations at some points in life. Rather than concentrating on negative points, it’s always better to try and look for positives.

Stay True to Yourself

If I had to give advice to other business owners, it would be to stay committed and passionate about what you are doing and never give false promises trying to impress. Be visible on social media, talk to people about the business (easier said than done – I struggle with this sometimes), know where you are going and what you are aiming for.

Most importantly to enjoy this journey, to make mistakes, to be proud of them and learn from them.


Connect with Zinaida

Zinaida Gagina is a Relaxologist, Holistic Therapist & Reiki Master Teacher and offers bespoke deep relaxation sessions to help you relax, release tension in both body and mind, attune to what’s going on within you and connect with ‘your true self’


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