17 Inspiring Calm Quotes for Entrepreneurs

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Feeling stressed, overwhelmed or anxious? Take 10 minutes out of your busy day to read and reflect upon some of the best calm quotes to soothe your soul and quieten your busy mind.

There are ample blog posts about success and motivation, but sometimes you feel in the mood for something a bit more subdued and calmer. Look no further; here are a selection of the best calm quotes for you…

Patience Is Not the Ability to Wait: Patience is not the ability to wait. Patience is to be calm no matter what happens, constantly take action to turn it to positive growth opportunities, and have faith to believe that it will all work out in the end while you are waiting.

Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

The ideal of calm exists in a sitting cat.

Jules Renard

Gentleness is strength under control. It is the ability to stay calm, no matter what happens.

Elizabeth George

When everything around you is crazy, it is ingenious to stay calm.

Mehmet Murat ildan

By staying calm, you increase your resistance against any kind of storms.

Mehmet Murat ildan

A man of calm is like a shady tree. People who need shelter come to it.

Toba Beta

Your calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges, so relax.

Bryan McGill

The intriguing placidity from the slothful pace of a snail is truly very peaceful. Our world is in need of this calmness to pacify itself”

Munia Khan

When you can no longer count the peaceful moments in your day, and life becomes a wonderful place of clear thoughts and calm. You know things are as right as they should be.

Ron Baratono

Look at a tree, how calm, lovely and beautiful she is. She is always meditating for the love of the sun.

Debasish Mridha

The more self-knowledge you have, the calmer you can be.

Wisdom Quotes – Maxime Lagacé

Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.

Saint Francis de Sales

The greatest measure of success is not money but a calm and loving mind.”

Maxime Lagacé

Getting stress out of your life takes more than prayer alone. You must take action to make changes and stop doing whatever is causing the stress. You can learn to calm down in the way you handle things.

Joyce Meyer

Remain calm, serene, always in command of yourself. You will then find out how easy it is to get along.

Paramahansa Yogananda

We must go beyond the constant clamor of ego, beyond the tools of logic and reason, to the still, calm place within us: the realm of the soul.

Deepak Chopra

Win or lose, just stay calm.

Mirko Cro Cop

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