7 Helpful Steps to a Calmer Life & Business

Anxiety, Stress | 0 comments

Life + business + mental health. Getting the balance right is something many entrepreneurs struggle with. It can feel like it’s a choice between one or the other; either you’re hustling and burning out, or you’re focusing on your mental health and your business is suffering.

I can relate to this so well. Before I started Calmpreneur, I was the same. It felt kinda hopeless to be honest! I thought I wasn’t cut out for entrepreneurship; like I just couldn’t do things ‘right’. But I am thankful to have created harmony in my life and defined success on my own terms.

My mental health always comes first of course; I put my body before my business every time and have found this has helped me immensely. Rather than pushing through to the point of burnout, I am much more attuned to the signs that crop up when stress is starting to accumulate.

Creating something to help others

When I was thinking about what ‘thing’ I could offer other entrepreneurs who were going through stress and anxiety, I struggled a bit because I knew this kind of thing can’t be taught in a sexy PDF lead magnet. Providing something which was simple and easy to implement was also a challenge; the last thing I wanted to do was add to a never-ending to-do list and create yet more overwhelm (although to be transparent I have made mistakes on my journey to getting things right/better). I knew I had to keep things simple and helpful.

Why 7 steps?

I know it sounds a bit like an AA program but I really liked the idea of creating steps for people to follow, but I didn’t get it right first time! My first attempt at creating this free process was basically me throwing loads of great tips and resources at you all at once – not great for overwhelm. So I decided to break it down and offer it over a certain number of days. As I was working out what to include, it just happened to fall over 7 days which just felt right…Suzannah’s 7 Steps to Calm.

I set it up so you get dripped access to my steps, one step being released each day, along with a corresponding email reminder.

I liked the open access style so I was able to complete it in my own time and also the Facebook group is really good to connect with other people.

Subscriber feedback

7 steps to calm

So what are the 7 steps? They are basically the things that have really helped me to reduce anxiety/stress and feel calmer. I have kept it deliberately simple, yet super helpful.

I really wanted to include more, but knew it would to far too overwhelming. I’m mindful that my healing from PTSD, anxiety and depression has taken years and has involved all kinds of therapy, tools and resources. If you follow the 7 steps and continue them for at least 30 days, I know you’ll feel calmer and better able to manage stress and anxiety.

Here’s an overview of what’s included:

  • Day 1: Connection and community
  • Day 2: Assessing where you are now
  • Day 3: Self-care
  • Day 4: Breathing & meditation
  • Day 5: Making changes
  • Day 6: Creating calm habits
  • Day 7: Identifying self-sabotage
  • Congratulations and bonus

For each of the steps I’ve recorded a short video explainer, created a simple exercise to complete and included quiz questions to support your learning. There ARE some sexy PDF’s included because everyone loves a checklist! These resources are things you can use again and again and I know you’ll find them really useful.

Thank you again for this, its been really helpful.

Subscriber feedback

Upsells, funnels etc.


Just. No. There are none of those. At the end of the 7 days, that’s it. You will continue to get my weekly email but there are no upsells or funnels. After years of making mistakes in this area, I finally realised it was NOT ME and so decided to embrace heart-centered business instead.

I truly hope you like following my 7 step process and that it helps you create better harmony in your life too.

Access my 7 steps to calm at www.theabundancehub.com


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