How many times a day do you tell yourself, and others, that you’re too busy?
Quite a few, I’ll bet! You are in good company. We are ALL caught up in the busyness of life. None of us have enough hours in the day. But how does the word busy impact our world and the people around us?
In this podcast I talk about being busy and explain how you can re-frame it to help you feel happier and more in control of your time and life.
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Here’s what’s covered in this episode
- The busyness of life
- How saying busy makes you feel
- Time constraints & choices
- Re-framing busy language (with examples)
- Recommended time management tools and apps
Links from this show
- Ultimate Diary Planner
- Google Calendar App
- 10to8 Appointment Scheduling
- Forest App
- Headspace App
- Oak App
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The theme for this podcast is removing the busyness from life. We’d love to see your Instagram pics. Here are some ideas…
- Share a selfie of yourself being calm and in control!
- Post a pic of your planner, diary or time management tool
- Share your favourite productivity tips, websites, or apps
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