How can you free up time as a business owner to work ON your business rather than in it?
Lisa Ferris, Virtual Assistant to well-being business owners, shares her top tips for outsourcing and automation.
Listen Now
Here’s what we talk about:
- What puts people off outsourcing
- Letting go of your ‘business baby’
- What a Virtual Assistant does and what Lisa offers
- Biorhythms and behaviour patterns
- SocialBee social media scheduling tool
- Self-care and self-love
- Mindful social media
- Perfectionism
Key takeaway
Anyone can use automation and it doesn’t have to cost much (in many cases, it’s free!)
Links from this show
- Social Bee:
- Lisa’s website:
- RescueTime:
- Convertkit:
- Trello:
- Follow Lisa’s Facebook page for lots of great tips for a calmer, more efficient business:

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