If you’ve experienced anxiety or depression (or both), you are not on your own. One in four people in the world will be affected by mental or neurological disorders at some point in their lives.
According to the World Health Organisation, around 450 million people currently suffer from such conditions, placing mental disorders among the leading causes of ill-health and disability worldwide.
Give those statistics, there’s a strong possibility that if you’re reading this, you’ve suffered from anxiety or depression yourself, or know someone else who does.
The good news is that if you do suffer with depression and anxiety, there is light at the end of the tunnel and you CAN still run a successful business. But you need to ensure you have plans in place for when your mental health takes a dip.
In this blog we’ll look at some of the symptoms of depression and anxiety and show you 7 ways you can start helping yourself today.
What is Depression?
Depression is a very real condition. While many people think that depression is simply a state of mind and something you should just “snap out of,” it’s an illness that affects not just the mind, but the whole body. When you’re depressed, you experience changes in eating, sleeping, the way you feel about yourself, and even the way you approach the most mundane things.
Depression is not simply feeling blue; it’s a true illness which can last weeks, months, or even years. You may notice a variety of symptoms when you’re depressed. These symptoms vary widely from individual to individual, and they’re also dependent upon the severity of the depression.
If you’re depressed, you may experience the following:
1. Difficulty focusing or making decisions
2. Negative thought processes
3. Poor self esteem
4. Thoughts of hurting yourself
5. A lack of motivation or irritability
6. Feeling ill
7. Feelings of helplessness
8. Getting better seems hopeless
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is another very real concern that plagues many of us. While we all feel anxious from time to time, for some people, anxiety becomes a way of life for reasons unknown even to the anxious person. Anxiety has the ability to affect our entire body and mind. When you struggle with anxiety it changes the way you feel, how you behave, and even affects your physical well being. Anxiety is much like feeling fear, but you may not know what you’re fearful or anxious about. This causes a vicious cycle of feeling anxious and then being afraid of being anxious!
Anxiety is often triggered by stress. We all encounter stress, but some of us handle it differently than others. Those who are not equipped to deal with stress effectively often struggle with anxiety.
Anxiety may cause you to experience symptoms such as;
- Muscle tension
- Shaking
- Upset stomach
- Butterflies
- Headache
- Backache
- Rapid heart rate
- Numbness
- Increased perspiration
Depression and anxiety are very real illnesses that can quickly take over your life. You may not even realize how profoundly you’re being affected by depression and anxiety.
Fortunately, there are some ways in which you can take action to improve your physical and mental well being if you suffer from depression or anxiety.
7 Actionable Strategies you can Implement Today
- Talk openly about your feelings
Let your doctor, family, friends, or a mental health professional know how you’re feeling. Sometimes putting your feelings into words lightens the burden.
Be sure to talk to someone who will really listen. - Postpone your worries
You can often take the anxiety out of a situation if you delay the process of worrying.
This is one of the most effective strategies to help reduce excessive anxiety. - Put your worries into perspective
If you know what you’re worried about, contemplate on how it’s affecting your life. Do these things really deserve this much attention?
Often when we take a close look at what’s causing us to be depressed or anxious, we realize that we’re giving them too much power over us. - Change your routine
When we’re depressed or suffering from anxiety, we often withdraw from normal activities. Unfortunately, this just gives us more time to feel worried and depressed!
Instead of continuing this pattern of withdrawal, change your routine so you won’t feed your depression or anxiety. - Think positive thoughts
This coping strategy can be more powerful than you imagine! When you begin thinking positive thoughts, you’ll find that your whole outlook on the world changes.
If you give into negative thoughts, your negative thoughts and worries are more likely to materialize.
Positive affirmations and meditation are effective ways to bring positive thinking into your life. - Keep a journal
Writing down your issues helps you to see them for what they really are so you can let them go. By writing out your deepest thoughts and feelings, you’re also releasing the tension and stress from within you.
The writing process can help you come to terms with the depression and anxiety that is plaguing your life. - Seek the advice of a professional
Doctors, therapists, or life coaches are professionals who can help you treat your symptoms and underlying causes so you can get your life back.
These professionals can help you turn your life around and refer you to other support agencies you may not be aware of.
Do you have any useful strategies for reducing anxiety or overcoming depression? We would love to hear about your experiences, comment below…