How To Reduce Christmas Anxiety At Work & Home

How To Reduce Christmas Anxiety At Work & Home

According to Andy Williams, it’s the most wonderful time of the year, but with all its joy and celebration, Christmas can also bring feelings of anxiety as you struggle to cope with all the obligations, financial pressure and a long list of additional tasks....
A Beginners Guide to Meditation for Anxiety

A Beginners Guide to Meditation for Anxiety

Can meditation for anxiety really work? Yes! As someone who has been practicing meditation for a number of years, I can testify that it’s well worth giving a go. Increasing numbers of people are incorporating holistic and mindful practices into their daily lives...
Too Much Choice: How to Reduce Decision Anxiety

Too Much Choice: How to Reduce Decision Anxiety

Is too much choice making us feel stressed out? I think it is; here’s why. It all started with a trip to the supermarket. Scanning my shopping list I saw that we needed toothpaste, so off I headed to the correct aisle. Faced with an overwhelming wall of choices,...